I originally pursued a PhD because I wanted to teach at the college level. I pursed advanced training in teaching while doing my PhD, completing the rigorous certificate in University Teaching at WVU. Although I also fell in love with research during my graduate studies, I still love teaching and am excited to be in the classroom every semester. I build my classes to be interactive with a heavy emphasis on information literacy and connecting concepts to the bigger picture.
Below is information on the courses I am currently teaching, as well as information on courses I have taught in the past.
Current Courses
NFS 2163: Sports Nutrition
Sports nutrition allows me to mix my undergraduate and MS studies in exercise physiology with my doctoral studies in nutrition. In this course, each day begins with a simple question: Legit or BS? We cover a sports nutrition claim (usually a supplement!) as the basis for our class, seeking to connect the points we're covering in class to answer if the claim is science-backed or not. In this class, we cover optimizing our nutrition for a variety of sports and dive deep into the metabolism that drives the body. It also gives me an opportunity to talk about my home gym and personal trainer (pictured to the left).
NFS 3243: Advanced Nutrition
In advanced nutrition, we learn about how the individual nutrients are metabolized and their varied importance in human health and disease. We spend a lot of time thinking, talking, and writing in this class to better understand how nutrition impacts the body on a deeper level. I love this topic and I want to make everyone else love it too. To the right you will see me thinking about all those metabolic pathways in the real world.
Past classes
University of Vermont
NFS 1043: Fundamentals of Nutrition
NFS 2114: Human Health in the Food System
Saint Michael's College
BIO 315: Advanced Exercise Physiology
PH 101: Introduction to Public Health
University of the Ozarks
HSC 1023: Introduction to Personal Health
HSC 1031: Medical Terminology
HSC 2053: Drug Education
HSC 3003: Nutrition
HSC 3013: Principles of Epidemiology
HSC 3123: Kinesiology
HSC 4103: Exericse Physiology
HSC 4113: Capstone
HSC 4233: Pathophysiology
HSC 4991: Research/Internship
West Virginia University
HNF 271: Fundamentals of Nutrition
GRAD 790: Scholarly Teaching